How To Be an

Cyberbullying is a growing cause of concern with our teens and how they relate to one another. So many hide behind their screens and write things and comments they would never say outloud. Have you ever asked yourself, “How do these things happen??” when watching the news or browsing facebook or even at the park watching your kids play? Do you wonder, “How could my child (or your child) even think to write these horrible things to another?”. The price of shame is too high to allow the negativity train to continue running on full steam. We need to teach our kids how to stand up for themselves and others. On a recent TEDtalk,
Monica Lewinsky spoke about the price of shame and how to become an upstander instead of a bystander on social media. Watch our Fresh Living segment below and learn how you can help your teenager (and YOU!) take back self esteem and respect and give back to others.

To watch the TEDtalk, please visit:

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