My Many Colors of Me Workbook Now Available!
In this workbook, children learn new ways of expressing emotions, understanding where they feel emotions inside their body, and the verbal language to express how they are feeling. This delightful art-based play therapy intervention is appropriate for children ages 3-12.
Now Available for Digital Download!
So easy to use and help children understand emotions.
“As a child psychotherapist I use this to help young children understand the emotions they feel. Often when they come to my office they haven’t been taught how to identify their emotions and those who are in foster care have struggles with even understanding what emotions are. This book helps them to learn what emotions are, where they feel them in their body and then we can work on how to express them appropriately. When they come to sessions they will ask to work on their book, because it is freeing to acknowledge emotions and to know what to do when we feel them.”
—Amazon Customer, April 26, 2014
Amazing tool for working with children with all levels of development
“This is a great tool for therapists to use when working with all types of children. Our therapists use the workbook to assist them with foster youth dealing with various medical conditions, emotional issues and developmental delays. This has been an effective tool during their work with the youth they serve.”
—Corina Cascoon, January 22, 2014
Amazing tool to increase emotional intelligence.
“As a child therapist, I am passionate about teaching children emotional intelligence. My Many Colors of Me Workbook combines physiological responses with feelings to improve emotional regulation. Children can communicate feelings through art that they are not able to verbalize. The workbook can be used with a ride-range of client’s and helps parent’s understand their child.”
—Holly Willard, LCSW, October 13, 2013
Play Therapy made it to the Best Autism Books of All Time
I'm happy to announce that my book, "Play Therapy: Engaging & Powerful Techniques for the Treatment of Childhood Disorders", made it to BookAuthority's Best Autism Books of All Time!
BookAuthority collects and ranks the best books in the world, and it is a great honor to get this kind of recognition. Thank you for all your support!
The book is available for purchase on Amazon.
In this workbook, children learn new ways of expressing emotions, understanding where they feel emotions inside their body, and the verbal language to express how they are feeling. This delightful art-based play therapy intervention is appropriate for children ages 3-12.
→ Purchase Now!
List Price: $15.99
What others are saying about Clair’s workbook
“This is a great tool for therapists to use when working with all types of children. Our therapists use the workbook to assist them with foster youth dealing with various medical conditions, emotional issues and developmental delays. This has been an effective tool during their work with the youth they serve.” By Corina Cascoon
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Play Therapy with Preteens
Play Therapy with Preteens presents integrative models of play therapy that incorporate expressive arts and evidence-informed interventions into working with preadolescents. The current research demonstrates treatment efficacy in incorporating creative, dynamic interventions into work with preadolescents and their families. This unique book is written specifically on play therapy with preadolescents, presenting a comprehensive yet practical approach that integrates expressive arts like music, movement, play, sand, and poetry into treatment, along with familial involvement.
Contributors cover a multitude of therapy options including: cognitive behavioral; attachment-centered; Alderian; family play; relational transformation; nature-based; and directive. This volume is the perfect companion to beginning and seasoned practitioners.
Play-Based Interventions for Childhood Anxieties, Fears and Phobias
Illustrating the power of play for helping children overcome a wide variety of worries, fears, and phobias, this book provides a toolkit of play therapy approaches and techniques. Coverage encompasses everyday fears and worries in 3- to 12-year-olds as well as anxiety disorders and post-traumatic problems. Leading practitioners describe their approaches step by step and share vivid illustrative case material. Each chapter also summarizes the research base for the interventions discussed. Key topics include adapting therapy to each child's developmental level, engaging reluctant or less communicative clients, and involving parents in treatment.
Play Therapy Theories and Perspectives
This book explores the multitude of thoughts, theories, opinions, methods, and approaches to play therapy in order to highlight the unity and diversity of theory and perspective in the field.
Each chapter is a common question related to play therapy to which ten established and experienced play therapists share their thoughts, theoretical perspectives, and opinions. The key characteristics of a well-trained play therapist, the role of technology in play therapy, the importance of speaking the client’s language, and many more frequently asked play therapy questions and topics are explored. The reader will learn about the umbrella of play therapy thought and practice and connect with perspectives that might align with their own theoretical preferences.
This book will be of interest to a wide range of mental health professionals working with children and adolescents. Those new to play therapy and those who are seasoned veterans will appreciate, value, and hopefully be challenged by the differing viewpoints surrounding many play therapy topics.
Implementing Play Therapy with Groups
Implementing Play Therapy with Groups is a new and innovative edited book bringing together experts from across the field of play therapy to explore how to facilitate group play therapy across challenging settings, diagnoses, and practice environments.
Applying theoretical and empirical information to address treatment challenges, each chapter focuses on a specific treatment issue and explores ways the reader can implement group work within their play therapy work. Chapters also provide contemporary evidence-based clinical information in providing group therapy with specific populations such as working with children who have been exposed to violence, trauma, adoption, foster care, those who are chronically medically fragile, and more.
This book will bring awareness to, and provide easily implemented play therapy knowledge and interventions for, child and family therapists who work in a range of settings including schools, hospitals, residential treatment centers, and community mental health settings.
Game Play: Therapeutic Use of Games with Children and Adolescents
The essential guide to game play therapy for mental health practitioners
The revised and updated third edition of Game Play Therapy offers psychologists and psychiatrists a guide to game play therapy’s theoretical foundations and contains the practical applications that are appropriate for children and adolescents. Game playing has proven to invoke more goal-directed behavior, has the benefit of interpersonal interaction, and can perform a significant role in the adaptation to one's environment. With contributions from noted experts in the field, the third edition contains information on the time-tested, classic games and the most recent innovations and advances in game play approaches.
Game Play Therapy’s revised third edition (like the previous editions) continues to fill a gap in the literature by offering mental health practitioners the information needed to understand why and how to use this intervention effectively. The contributors offer advice for choosing the most useful games from the more than 700 now available and describe the fundamentals of administering the games. This important updated book:
- Contains material on the recent advances in the field including information on electronic games and disorder-specific games
- Includes illustrative case studies that explore the process of game therapy
- Reviews the basics of the underlying principles and applications of game therapy
- Offers a wide-range of games with empirical evidence of the effectiveness of game therapy
Written for psychologists, psychiatrists, and other mental health clinicians, the revised third edition of Game Play Therapy offers a guide that shows how to apply game therapy techniques to promote socialization, encourage the development of identity and self-esteem, and help individuals master anxiety.
Play Therapy With Children: Modalities for Change
Play therapy is the treatment of choice for children because it allows children to express their troubles through a natural healing process. This book explains why play therapy works and how to deliver it in the most direct and efficient manner.
Each chapter covers a different play therapy modality, including a description of the therapeutic benefits, core techniques, empirical support, and a case study.
Fifteen modalities are covered in all: sand play, doll play, block play, drawing, bibliotherapy, storytelling, puppet play, guided imagery, drama, sensory play, clay play, music and movement, board games, electronic games, and virtual reality.
Edited by two acknowledged leaders in the field of play therapy, Heidi Gerard Kaduson and Charles E. Schaefer, this volume was written for front line child therapists, including psychologists, counselors, social workers, and other health professionals; it will be an asset to any beginning child and play therapists as well as to experienced child clinicians who wish to expand their therapeutic tool kit.
Play Therapy and Telemental Health
Play Therapy and Telemental Health gives clinicians the tools they need to bring their therapy sessions online.
Chapters present the fundamentals of play therapy and telemental health therapy and introduce play therapists to a variety of special populations and interventions specific to telemental health. Expert contributors discuss using a wide variety of telehealth interventions― including Virtual Sandtray®©, nature play, and EMDR ―with children affected by autism, trauma, and more. Readers will learn how the fundamentals of play therapy can be expanded to provide effective treatment in web-based sessions.
This is a vital guide for any clinician working in play therapy in the 21st century.
Attachment Centered Play Therapy

Attachment Centered Play Therapy offers clinicians a holistic, play-based approach to child and family therapy that is presented through the lens of attachment theory. Along the way, chapters explore the theoretical underpinnings of attachment theory to provide a foundational understanding of the theory while also supplying evidence-based interventions, practical strategies, and illuminative case studies. This informative new resource strives to combine theory and practice in a single intuitive model designed to maximize the child-parent relationship, repair attachment wounds, and address underlying symptoms of trauma.
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>>>> $36.36