8 Surefire Ways to Emotionally Damage Your Kids

emotionally damage

1) Shut down all emotional expression

If your child expresses anger, sadness, fear be sure to make fun of them, tell them not to feel, and dismiss their emotions.  Withhold love whenever they express emotion, especially vulnerable feelings. Another tactic is to express more intense emotions than they are showing so they’ll stop feeling and focus on comforting you.

2) Set inconsistent rules

Never talk openly about your expectations for your child’s behavior. Make your child guess what the ground rules are and change them constantly.  Be sporadic and unpredictable in giving consequences and punishment.

3) Ask your child to solve your problems

Share all of your worries, concerns, and relationship problems and ask them to solve it for you. Always present yourself as incapable of taking care of yourself and your child.

4) Put down your child’s other parent

If you’re married, never show affection to your spouse. Alternate between being cold and rejecting of your spouse, and fighting and screaming with them in front of your child. If you’re divorce, remain cold, distant, and bitter, angry, and blaming of your ex for the rest of your life. Talk poorly of your ex to your child, and while you’re at it, send subtle and overt messages to your child that he or she is the cause of your divorce.

5) Guilt trip your child when they try to separate from you

Whether your child is two, twelve, or eighteen years old cry, you should cry hysterically or dismiss them when they express thoughts, feelings, or desires that are different from yours. If they show any signs of wanting to explore new things, meet new people, or express any thought or emotion that’s different from you, respond by saying dramatically, “How could you do this to me?”

6) Base your entire self-worth on your child’s performance

Link your self-esteem on your child’s appearance, behavior, how well they do academically, and how many friends they have. Remind them that their performance reflects on you, as their parent, and that any failure makes you feel like a horrible parent. Put extreme pressure on them to be the best in everything they do. Threaten to withhold love if they don’t win the beauty pageant, if they don’t make student body president, if their grades fall below a 4.0, etc.

7) Get in the middle of your child’s relationships

Direct every action your child takes in their relationships. If your child gets in trouble at school, immediately rush to talk to the teacher and get your child off the hook. As your child grows, be overly involved in your child’s friendships, love relationships, and referee all disagreements and fights with peers. If you have more than one child, get in the middle of sibling relationships by comparing them to each other regularly by saying, “Why can’t you be more like ______?”

8) Expect your child to fulfill all of your unfulfilled dreams

Push your child to do all of the things you wished you’d done as a child and teen. If you’ve always dreamed of becoming a professional dancer, force your child to take daily dance classes starting at age 2. If she ever wants to quit alternate between crying hysterically and giving her the cold shoulder. If you’ve always dreamed of being a pro baseball player, force your son to carry a baseball during all waking moments and threatened to abandon him if he isn’t MVP every year. Let him know that if he doesn’t get a college baseball scholarship you will be disappointed for the rest of your life.

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